Exmoor Events Calendar

2nd April 2024

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Childrens Crafting

Children's crafting table

Bookmarks, greeting card making, and colouring activities with lots of pencils, crayons, felt tips and stickers to keep your little ones amused during the Easter holidays. (Donations requested)

Pop-up Lynmouth Flood talks

Pop-up Lynmouth Flood talks

A 10-minute illustrated talk on the Lynmouth Flood Disaster followed by 10 minutes of historical film from the time.
A chance to learn what happened and how it changed the village. No need to book. (Donations requested). Not Mondays

The Women of Hoar Oak Cottage


A fascinating insight into the women that lived and worked at this isolated farmhouse from Elizabeth Vellacott in 1810 right through to Gertie Antell in the 1960’s. What was it like living without the benefits of running water, electricity or gas, plumbing or telephone or a road that could be used by a motorised vehicle.

Ruins in the Woods

An old sepia photo of the mineral line
Walk from Chargot Woods exploring the mineral railway.

The 19th century mineral line was built to carry iron from the Brendons to Watchet for shipment to South Wales. Spectacular remains are hidden in the hills.  This is a one hour stroll to look at Langham Engine House, then a two hour walk down the steep miners' track to see Bearland Flue and other features connected with iron mining. We may visit Burrow Farm Engine House or Kennisham Hill. Free. Booking essential.