Affordable Housing

The National Park Authority is working with communities, individuals, our local housing authorities and rural housing enabler, voluntary organisations and housing providers to address local affordable housing needs on Exmoor.

Since the introduction of the Local Plan policies in 2005, affordable housing for local people has been delivered in many communities across Exmoor. Some of the homes have been self-build some delivered by private developers, some provided by landlords and others by Housing Associations. The policies have assisted over 200 local people to live in nearly 100 homes in communities across the Moor. There is more to do and the Local Plan to 2031 widens the opportunities for local people to meet their housing needs.

Exmoor Affordable Housing Study 2023

If you wish to discuss the planning policies and whether they could help you provide the opportunity for a home then please email For Somerset parishes in Exmoor National Park you can also contact the Rural Housing Enabler

An Assessment Form can be completed to help judge whether you are in local affordable housing need and comply with the National Park’s planning policies. It can be downloaded via the link below

Affordable Housing Local Connection Form

Affordable Housing Local Connection form ( for Housing Associations and Authorities)

Exmoor Rural Housing Network

The Exmoor Rural Housing Network recognises the need for affordable housing on Exmoor, and the difficulties associated with its delivery on Exmoor - as well as in other rural areas across the country.  The aim of the Network is to find solutions that work for Exmoor, by supporting a locally managed and delivered programme for local needs rural housing.  It brings together a group of organisations/individuals with a broad range of experiences in order to share information and ideas in a collaborative way that will help provide and improve access to housing on Exmoor for local people.

If you wish to discuss other housing matters, please contact Officers at the relevant Council:

For Somerset Council, please email or visit Housing (

For North Devon, please visit  and select the relevant service, or for Community Led Housing in your parish, visit

Somerset Council

The Rural Housing Enabler for Exmoor (RHE) works as part of the Somerset Council Housing Enabling Team, and covers that part of Exmoor which is within Somerset.  The Rural Housing Enabler works closely with Exmoor National Park Authority, local communities, housing providers and landowners in order to enable, assist and support the development of affordable housing for local people on Exmoor.

This work includes facilitating new housing by Registered Providers, which will produce affordable rented properties for local people, as well as supporting individuals who wish to own their own home through self / custom-build.

The Exmoor Rural Housing Network Facebook page is managed by the Rural Housing Enabler to provide regular updates of properties available within the area, useful articles and any other relevant information.  The Rural Housing Enabler also provides a progress report to the Network at the annual meeting.

Email the housing enabler

Housing support (

North Devon Council

Housing Options Advice - 01271 388870

Parish Housing Need Surveys

Parish Housing Need Surveys can be viewed here

This includes housing need surveys undertaken by the Exmoor, North Devon & West Somerset Rural Housing Project between 2002 and 2015. The most recent report should be read for parishes or groups of parishes which have had more than one survey.

Information on the eight parishes affordable housing working group can be found by following this link