Exmoor Tourism Network
The National Park Authority hosts an Exmoor Tourism Network to provide a forum bringing together key tourism focused organisations in the area to share ideas, co-ordinate collaboration and encourage mutual support.
Who's who?
Exmoor National Park Authority
The National Park Authority plays a key role in managing the destination and visitor management. We support the industry to take the lead in the marketing of the area.
Visit Exmoor
Visit Exmoor is the main area wide body responsible for marketing tourism in the area. It is led by the industry with over 150 members from across the Greater Exmoor area. A small team of contractors is overseen by a board of directors representing different visitor economy interests from the industry. Officers and Members from ENPA and other bodies attend board meetings as advisors. The organisation is primarily funded by its members and uses this to match fund grants as and when opportunities arise. Any business that benefits from tourism within the Greater Exmoor area is encouraged to join.
Visit Exmoor manage www.visit-exmoor.co.uk as the official tourism website for the area. For details regarding membership and trade activity visit www.visit-exmoor.co.uk/trade.
Local Associations
Porlock Vale Tourism Association
Regional Organisations (Devon & Somerset)
Visit Devon trade - https://www.visitdevon.co.uk/industry/
Somerset trade - www.visitsomerset.co.uk/site/business-somerset (opens in new window)
South West Tourism Alliance - www.swtourismalliance.org.uk
National Organisations
Visit England trade - www.visitengland.org
Visit Britain trade- www.visitbritain.org