The Exmoor Landscape

Exmoor landscape

Exmoor is a unique place shaped by people and nature over thousands of years and is recognized as one of the UK's finest landscapes.  Large areas of open moorland provide a sense of remoteness and tranquillity rare in southern Britain. Spectacular coastal views, deep wooded valleys, high sea cliffs and fast flowing streams all combine to form a rich and distinct mosaic.

It is a landscape that has inspired poets writers and artists for hundreds of years and continues to inspire people today

Explore and Interactive map of Art in the Exmoor Landscape

The unique character and diversity of Exmoor’s landscape is described in the Exmoor Landscape Character Assessment (LCA). This document, published in 2018, provides a comprehensive update to the first LCA report from 2007. The document identifies nine distinct Landscape Character Types, within which are 26 Landscape Character Areas.  Key characteristics of each type are set out in the document, along with more detailed descriptions of the Character Areas. The LCA has been adopted as a supplementary planning document.

Have a look just at some of the art inspired by Exmoor on this Pinterest board