Landscape Character Assessment
An updated Exmoor National Park Landscape Character Assessment (LCA) Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) has been produced that provides a comprehensive update to the 2007 Exmoor National Park LCA, and also provides more detailed guidance on the policies relating to landscape character in the adopted Local Plan 2011-2031. The LCA SPD is a detailed and purposeful document that is both a celebration and an analysis of the diverse and distinctive landscapes of Exmoor.
Click the thumbnail to go to to the Interactive Landscape Character Map.
2018 Exmoor LCA SPD
Cover, Contents and Executive Summary
Part 1 - Introduction
Part 2 - The Story of the Exmoor Landscape.
Part 3 - Landscape Planning Guidelines
Part 4 - Landscape Character Assessment of Exmoor (large file or download separate parts below)
- Introduction to Part 4
- Landscape Character Type Profile A
- Landscape Character Type Profile B
- Landscape Character Type Profile C
- Landscape Character Type Profile D
- Landscape Character Type Profile E
- Landscape Character Type Profile F
- Landscape Character Type Profile G
- Landscape Character Type Profile H
- Landscape Character Type Profile I
Part 5 - Appendices and Acknowledgements