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  • Porlock Street Scene


    Planning has a vital role to play in ensuring that new development is well designed and carefully sited so that it contributes to the variety and quality of Exmoor's landscape and provides homes and work places for its inhabitants
  • Exmoor Farmland

    Farming in Protected Landscapes

    This is a programme of funding for one-off projects that will support farmers and land managers to carry out projects that: support nature recovery, mitigate the impacts of climate change, provide opportunities for people to discover, enjoy and understand the landscape and its cultural heritage and support nature-friendly, sustainable farm businesses.
  • Stargazing on Exmoor

    Exmoor's Dark Skies

    Our dark skies are some of the best in the UK. We have minimal light pollution and on a cloudless night you can see literally thousands of stars and astronomical sights such as the Milky Way with the naked eye. In 2011 Exmoor was designated as an International Dark Sky Reserve by the International Dark Sky Association. So why not take the time to visit Exmoor and look up?