Look Wild on Exmoor

Join in our efforts tracking the wildlife and biodiversity of Exmoor.

This is part of a national project across all 15 UK National Parks.  Just sign up to iNatrualist and visit the national park to start recording the wildlife you find.  Lots of wildlife is hard to find, or only flowers for a short time.   Your observations expand the area our ecologists are able to see making the best use of their time.

The most appropriate observations are exported to national databases, but every observation is useful. Even if it doesn't get exported it will remain in iNaturalist where it can still help identify areas of high biodiversity that can help focus the efforts for future surveys and conservation work.

Take part here  https://uk.inaturalist.org/projects/national-parks-uk-lookwild

See the most recent observations here https://uk.inaturalist.org/observations?place_id=56712