Exmoor Events Calendar

30th October 2024

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Childrens Crafting

Children's crafting table

Bookmarks, greeting card making, and colouring activities with lots of pencils, crayons, felt tips and stickers to keep your little ones amused during half-term. (Donations requested)

Pop-up Lynmouth Flood talks

Pop-up Lynmouth Flood talks

A 10-minute illustrated talk on the Lynmouth Flood Disaster followed by 10 minutes of historical film from the time.
A chance to learn what happened and how it changed the village. No need to book. (Donations requested). Not Mondays

Art Exhibition by Beryl Perriam


Beryl Perriam is a self-taught artist, she started painting and drawing 45 years ago and was very quickly taken on by many suppliers of art material to demonstrate their use.

Beryl paints in acrylic oils and pastels as well as coloured pencils and graphite, she has taught numerous artists in these mediums.