Exmoor Events Calendar

20th May 2024

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Ann Hyde Art Exhibition

From Watercolours, acrylics and, her favourite medium Oils, Ann captures the atmosphere of the day with her artworks. Preferring to paint 'en plein air’ Ann admits there is no better way to capture the scene than being there in person. Her art shows this with atmosphere and light, saying even on an overcast day there can be contrasts.

Ann can often be seen setting up her easel at various locations around Exmoor National Park. Exmoor itself offers so many different challenges with landscapes, seascapes and wildlife.

Parracombe Arts and Literary Festival 2024

Workshops, walks, talks, theatre, music and film.

Parracombe is hosting its first arts and literary festival, including workshops, walks, talks, theatre, music and film, all taking place between the two bank holidays in May. Highlights include Daily Telegraph writer Eleanor Steafel talking about her ABC of cookery, author Luke Aylen is part of our writer's workshop, unpacking the three big components for fiction writing: setting, characters, and plot-types while Annie Garthwaite discusses her novel 'Cecily', focussing on one of England's greatest medieval women. There's plenty more on the schedule, too. Don't miss it. Tickets range from £15 to free

Simonsbath Festival 2024

A church
Simonsbath, Exmoor
Celebrating Music, Art, Talks & Walks on Exmoor from May Day to Midsummer

Simonsbath Festival is a non profit making community festival which celebrates all things Exmoor in the six weeks between May Day and Midsummer. In the spirit of diversity the festival offers a variety of events and activities including talks, classical, folk and jazz music. The festival also collaborates with partners The Exmoor Society and the Exmoor Running and Walking Festival whose events showcase properties and locations on Exmoor that are not easily viewed from public roads. You can find more details of these collaborative activities in the events section of this website. They give an unrivaled insight into Exmoor countryside, its heritage, life and people.

History and Restoration of Cowbridge Sawmill

Cowbridge Mill
St Petrock’s Church, Timberscombe

An illustrated talk by MARTIN BOOTH Volunteer Restorer and Friend of this mill. St Petrock’s Church, Timberscombe Annual membership due at this meeting £10 (if not paid March) Members £1 Visitors £4. Light refreshments provided