Woods & Trees

100% of donations to this appeal will support tree planting and woodland creation schemes on Exmoor.
Donate direct to this appeal online. If you prefer you can donate by other methods-read here.100% of donations to this appeal will support tree planting and woodland creation schemes on Exmoor.
You may like to dedicate a tree to mark a special occasion or in memory of someone special. There are two dedication options both featuring a high quality A5 sized card with the above artist's impression (as above picture) of Bye Wood and a CareMoor Certificate of Dedication:
- We will send the certificate and card to a person of your choice with your own personalised message £15 - Read more and dedicate a tree here
- Or we will send a certificate and blank card to you for your own use/message £13 - Read more and dedicate a tree here
By donating £750, you can support the planting of a large Sessile Oak or Scots Pine tree and make a dedication. Chose text for a plaque to be placed on the timber surround that will protect the young tree for at least 15 years. The trees will be planted in winter 24/25 and should live in excess of 500 years. Read more and dedicate a Parkland Tree here.
We're planting saplings at Kings Wood, Simonsbath this winter. Fun for all the family, groups welcome too. To sign up email getinvolved@exmoor-nationalpark.gov.uk with your name and contact number. You can also join our team of volunteers helping us collect and grow tree seeds on Exmoor or get involved with our new Tree Nursery. Sign up to our woodlands newsletter for details.
Bye Wood and Kings Wood
In 2021, we embarked on the biggest woodland creation project to have taken place in the National Park in the past 15 years. The project forms part of our commitment to increase tree cover on Exmoor from around 13.5% to at least 17% by 2050 - the amount recommended by the UK government’s independent Climate Change Committee. .
Our ambitious aims for this project are to:
*Be plastic free - using only fully recyclable, reusable, and compostable materials (except when not possible)
*Use only locally sourced wood with no chemical treatments
*Favour sustainable methods using organic and physical methods in preference to chemicals
*Use careful structural planting to support tree growth and resilience to the pressures of a changing climate
*Create community areas to connect people with nature and inspire them to care for it
*Nurture wildlife habitats
Donations to CareMoor Woods & Trees Appeal between 2021 and 2023 supported planting of 13,000 trees at Bye Wood near Winsford. The picture above is Bye Wood - an artist's impression painted by Leo Davey. We have now started planting trees at Kings Wood, Simonsbath, named in celebration of the coronation of King Charles III. The 4.5hectare site will be planted with 6000 trees using predominantly native species such as oak, Scots pine, lime and hazel and others which will be better adapted to possible future climate scenarios. We intend to follow our ambitions using plastic free and locally sourced materials where possible.
Elsewhere around Simonsbath, we will be planting a framework of species such as oak which would take many years to establish naturally, as well as pioneer species such as birch and aspen. Plans also include the use of ‘natural living tree guard’ consisting of thorny species such as black-thorn, hawthorn and bramble to protect trees from browsing animals.
Larger individual ‘Parkland Trees’ will be planted and protected with specially made timber guards, which will allow cattle, sheep and deer to continue to graze the landscape. We will be using trees from our own nursery and timber from Exmoor woodlands for the guards, milled in the water-powered sawmill at the heart of the estate. Read more about dedicating a large Parkland Tree at Simonsbath here.